Routine eye exams are essential for having healthy eyes and sharp vision. It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions about your eyes and understand how best to care of them.

It can be challenging to come up with questions while in the middle of an examination. Keep reading to learn five questions to ask your ophthalmologist at your next eye exam!

1. How Often Do I Need Eye Exams?

Your eye doctor will take into consideration your age, vision, eye conditions, and family history when determining how often you need to be seen. Age plays a significant role in the health of your eyes. 

The risk of developing many eye conditions gets higher as you get older. 

Your eye doctor will also consider any family history of eye disorders. 

Many eye conditions are genetic, and a family history of certain eye conditions can make you higher risk of developing that condition. Depending on the severity, existing eye problems may also make it necessary to receive more frequent checkups. 

Your eye doctor may tell you that healthy adults should plan on having their eyes checked about once a year. 

2. Am I At Risk For Any Eye Conditions?

It is vital for you to know what eye conditions or disorders you may be at risk for. Learning your risk for certain eye conditions can help you monitor and recognize any new symptoms. 

Early detection is crucial for your eye doctor to intervene with treatment before permanent damage occurs in many cases. Many other factors like past medical history, your health, and your lifestyle are all factors that your eye doctor will review when determining how often you should have an eye exam.

3. How Can I Protect My Vision?

Your eye doctor can give you many strategies to protect your eyes and vision. It is important to know of steps you can take to prevent any eye disorders from arising. 

Many eye doctors recommend taking extra precautions to protect your eyes and vision. It is important to physically protect your eyes from injury by wearing goggles or safety glasses when appropriate. 

Long-term sunlight exposure can cause many problems for your eyes, just like the rest of your body. Sunglasses with UV protection are crucial to protect your eyes when you are outside for long periods of time.

Improving your diet can also make your eyes healthier. Ensuring you are getting enough omega-3 fatty acids and staying hydrated may be a good place to start.  

4. Should I Get LASIK?

If you are not happy with your vision, you may consider getting a vision correction procedure like LASIK. It is a fantastic option for permanent vision correction. 

To find out if you would be a good candidate for LASIK, you must schedule a LASIK consultation with your eye doctor. At this consultation, your eye doctor will do a series of tests and measurements to determine if LASIK could be right for you. 

If your eye doctor determines that you are not a good candidate for LASIK, they may be able to recommend a different procedure. Talk to your eye doctor if reducing your dependency on glasses or contact lenses is something you are interested in.    

5. Why Are My Eyes Dry?

There are millions of people worldwide who deal with persistent dry eye issues. If you experience dry, itchy eyes, let your doctor know so you can get your tear film tested. 

First, your eye doctor will discover the underlying cause of your dry eye. After that, they can develop a plan to help treat your dry eye and improve your symptoms. 

Do you have more questions about your eyes or vision that you would like answered? Schedule an appointment at Kovach Eye Institute in Elmhurst, IL, today!